Whopee! Just got back from a shopping trip AND then my bike ride. I am absolutely THRILLED with the bike ride, because not only is the cemetery a PERFECT place to ride (wide paved paths, very little uphill riding), I discovered that the end of the dirt road merges into the small city of H.'s street, with a speed limit of 25 MPH. That means I will be riding on city streets, even if I decide (or can't) ride in the cemetery every day. The dirt road that runs alongside our 5 acres is so pretty, peaceful; there are only a couple of houses back there, and I did see two dogs...but they just stared at me as if they'd never seen a bicycle and had no interest in chasing one! The paved city street winds around curves, up and down slight hills -- about a mile to the cemetery. There is practically NO traffic between 10:00--12:00 and 1:00--3:00. I LOVED riding on that paved road, it's scenic and a nice workout! I can get some speed that's for sure!
Then the cemetery paved paths, that wind through the large old cemetery. I didn't take my camera today, because I wasn't sure I'd go all the way to the cemetery. But I will next time I ride, and get some pictures of the old tombstones. There are city streets behind the cemetery, LOTS and LOTS of places to ride if I wish, whole neighborhoods. DH had told me we were just about one-fourth mile from the city limits at the back of our property...but I guess I didn't realize how close that is! Sooo, I do believe that bike riding here will be far better than it was in the city where we last lived! That sure makes me happy!
The shopping mall is so close around that back way that I can get there within five minutes. And although there are the same chain stores I frequented before, I found these to be better stocked and hardly ANYONE shopping. There seemed to a more laidback atmosphere, the clerks not as harried and overworked; and the grocery store has a deli AND a bakery! Yum! And this mall is directly across from a small junior college so I occasionally see teachers/professors in the stores. At any rate, I will have to familiarize myself with the store layouts, but once I know where everything is located, I should whiz right through shopping! Additionally, I now use a pharmacy in that mall, so if I only need medicene, I can get it there.
The thing is, this place here has all the conveniences of city living...but in a rural setting! I have NO doubt that we made the right decision in buying this place, and as the days pass, I feel more 'at home' here... I believe I am going to like it here, and once I'm completely detached from the last house, I'll be happier than I was at the other home.
Today my nephew came and picked up the mares and colts; I hated to see them go. I sure hope I'm not going to get TOO attached to the horses, because DH sells them eventually. But it was sad to see the little colts go, since they were born here. My nephew borrowed the very last horse trailer we have (DH has sold all the others already) and then DH called later, said that a man wants to buy that trailer. Therefore, after we eat our evening meal, we'll drive to my nephew's and get the trailer -- and can also check on the mares and colts. ;-)
Better go for now. There is so much yet to write about, and I hope soon to have enough time to do proper justice to all that I'm experiencing!
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