I went on my farewell bike ride today. Somewhat sad, I vowed to remember all the GOOD aspects of the park, not the BAD. The weather is perfect for riding, about 65 and a light wind; I thoroughly enjoyed the time riding. I want always to remember how the ring-neck doves call to each other when mating in spring; how the pines scent the air with a sharp evergreen fragrance; how the sidewalk path meanders along, sometimes curving, sometimes uphill, sometimes downhill...the wind in my face, and the crisp red baseball field dirt and contrasting white bases just prepared for the new baseball season. Soon I couldn't ride in the park anyway, since the kids will be playing baseball. But at the best of times, like today, I have it all to myself and ride happily in solitude. Sure, there's houses surrounding the park, but still, when it's deserted, I feel as if I am alone. It was an IDEAL farewell ride, and I hope I can always remember it fondly. {No, I won't think about those pesky illegal Mexican immigrants who sometimes drive me nuts when they infiltrate the park!}
Earlier I took a load of my clothing to the old house, did one more paint touch-up job and put some plastic dropclothes over the carpet where we'll be walking as we move stuff in. I wanted to protect that as much as possible, since we paid to have the carpet professionally cleaned -- and it looks great now. It was very quiet there, almost eerily so...very little traffic on the road, and I felt...alone. Not exactly lonely, but definitely somewhat alone, since usually DH is around the house somewhere when I'm there. I don't know how it will be once I'm settled there, and alone during the day while DH is at work. I believe I'll either get very accustomed to the "silence" and could NEVER live near people in the city again; or I'll hate it, and feel lonely. We'll see, I suppose.
I also dropped by a department store and finally bought some nice curtains for our bedroom. Hopefully we can get those hung tomorrow sometimes. I think there's a real possibility we'll have most of the furniture there by tomorrow night, since DH is taking off tomorrow, and we may stay there all night. Tonight MIGHT be our last night in this house!
When I got home, there was a message on the answering machine from a lady interested in buying my Nordic Track ski machine. I ran an ad, because I decided to sell it and rarely use it anymore since I started biking. She said her daughter might come look at it this afternoon, so I cleaned it, and have it ready for them to see. Also, I just don't have space for it at the old house.
Of course, I do plan to ride my bike when we're moved. HERE is where I'll start my ride and at the end of that road, I'll cross a country blacktop and go into an ancient cemetery with paved paths. I plan to ride in the cemetery, since the paved paths will be easier -- and no one to intrude. The "dead" are such agreeable, quiet companions! I also hope to get some photos of the old tombstones, and post those in my cemetery album soon. I'm sure there's some tombstones there that date back to the late 1700s or 1800s.
And that's it for today. Perhaps the next time I post, it will be from the old house...and my laptop!
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