I insane to have just gone on a bike ride in the rain? Why I'm not. I did it because I HAD TO HAVE SOME AEROBIC EXERICISE OR I WOULD NEVER SLEEP AGAIN!
You see, I haven't slept well in two nights, and hadn't biked either, due to concern the throat problem was caused by riding in an awfully brisk March wind.
However, my doctor told me I had a 'bacterial throat infection,' gave me some antibiotics and said I might have "strep"...but either way, the antibiotics would take care of it. And my throat has improved, though it's still a bit sore on one side.
I also have some sleeping pills, but I HATE to take those, and had rather let the biking help me sleep. And when I saw a break in the rain today, I took off...but halfway through my ride, it started raining, but I just kept going till I got the whole ride in! Hopefully I'll sleep tonight. {Yes, I know I am one of those "high-strung" people; or in the clinical lingo: "Have anxiety disorder." But IMO aerobic exercise if preferable to drug therapy.
Sooo, we're all set to move the last of our stuff next Saturday and stay there that night. And we'd better be able to, because our phone and TV cable service ends next Saturday here, and begins at the old house. Won't be long now. I feel somewhat excited and am anticipating the move...but of course, there's a bit of sadness in leaving this house in town too.
After all, I have always felt that I've had "good luck" here, in that nothing really horrible has happened here. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, an illness now and then...but overall, the 22+ years here have been happy. There are SO many memories in a house you've lived in this long, and I guess that is one reason I just can't bear to give this place up now. Yes, I want the rent income too, but selling it unbearable in some strange emotional way. Plus, someday I might come back here to live, should DH die before me. But I am fairly sure we'll be in the old house as long as he lives.
Not that I won't come to feel the old house is "home"...for I may indeed feel that way after some years have passed. But I grew up only a few blocks from where I now live, and this part of town has always had an "emotional' connection for me; it feels like "home." Plus, what is that saying about you can take a person out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the person? Well, you can take a person out of city...but can you take the city out of that person? We'll see, I guess.
Anyhow, I've been busy out dresser drawers/closets etc. Why, oh why do we save stuff we will never, ever wear? Beats me! I've tossed a lot of clothing I've had for ages, and never wore once! At least this is a great way to clear out stuff that is no longer useful or needed -- clothing, furniture, you-name-it.
Once we get moved, I'll try to take some pictures of the interior. Of course, there's still a great deal of work to be done on the exterior of the house. By golly, I bet I NEVER hear DH complain again that, "...there's nothing to do." Tee hee!
And now for the last news: It seems there's a great deal of ladybugs at the old house. I did a little research on those, and here's what I found regarding folklore:
Ladybug Lore!
Legends vary about how the Ladybug came to be named, but the most common (and enduring) is this: In Europe, during the Middle Ages, swarms of insects were destroying the crops. The farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon thereafter the Ladybugs came, devouring the plant-destroying pests and saving the crops! The farmers called these beautiful insects "The Beetles of Our Lady", and they eventually became popularly known as "Lady Beetles". The red wings were said to represent the Virgin's cloak and the black spots were symbolic of both her joys and her sorrows.
Nearly ALL cultures believe that a Ladybug is lucky.
Killing one is said to bring sadness and misfortune.
In France, if a Ladybug landed on you, whatever ailment
you had would fly away with the Ladybug.
If a Ladybug is held in the hand while making a wish,
the direction that it flies away to shows where
your luck will come from.
If the spots on the wings of a Ladybug are more than seven,
it's a sign of coming famine. If less than seven, it means
you will have a good harvest.
In Belgium, people believed that if a Ladybug crawled across
a young girl's hand, she would be married within a year.
People in Switzerland told their young children
that they were brought to them, as babies, by Ladybugs.
(...and we thought Storks did that)!
In some Asian cultures, it is believed that the Ladybug understands
human language, and has been blessed by God, Himself.
In Brussels, the black spots on the back of a Ladybug indicate to the
person holding it how many children he/she will have.
According to a Norse legend, the Ladybug came to earth
riding on a bolt of lightning.
The Victorians in Britain believed that if a Ladybug alighted on your
hand, you would be receiving new gloves.....if it landed on your head,
a new hat would be in your future, and so on.
In the 1800's, some doctors used Ladybugs to treat measles! They
also believed that if you mashed ladybugs (ewww!) and put them
into a cavity, the insects would stop a toothache!
During the Pioneer days, if a family found a Ladybug in their log cabin
during the winter, it was considered a "Good Omen".
In the Spring, if numerous Ladybugs are seen flying around,
British farmers say it forecasts many bountiful crops.
Many Bretons believe that the arrival of Ladybugs will bring fair weather.
Folklore suggests if you catch a Ladybug in your home, count the number
of spots and that's how many dollars you'll soon find.
In Norway, if a man and a woman spot a Ladybug at the same time,
there will be a romance between them.
Interesting, no?
Till next time....whenever I have time to post....
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