Finding time to write is difficult these days. I thought once we were moved, settled in...that I'd have more time at the computer. I don't. In fact, I believe I stay busier than ever!
I finally got all the woodwork trim painted for the window-replacements; we put shelves in the bathroom window we took out, and a new door at the rear of the house in the den. That was time-consuming, and tiring. But it IS done, at last. See picture, since blogger now has a photo-posting feature. Yippee!
Bathroom window-shelves
Yesterday I had to take my persian cat, Princess, to the vet to be shaved. She looks a bit like ET now, don't you think?
ET, the cat
My daily routine now goes something like this:
Up by 7:00, take care of indoor AND outdoor cats, including checking on the two kittens who are still thriving. Let mama cat, Bitty, out while I go in and eat my cereal breakfast; then put her back in the utility shed. Take a shower, dress. Get busy with housework, which has been taking most of the morning lately since I am trying to keep this house tidy and clean. No lunch. Let mama cat out again, check on kittens, put medication in their eyes if needed. Then do outside chores, such as hosing out cat litter boxes, sweeping porch, etc. By then it's around 2:00, so I sit down for a short time at the computer, hope to surf and/or take care of any online banking that is necessary. Read emails, intending to answer quickly, but then get side-tracked by something else on the net -- maybe a news article, maybe an online journal. Realize it's now past 3:00, Dr. Phil is on, so I turn on the TV. Have to put mama cat back in the shed, and check on kittens, hold them, and spend a good deal of the hour enjoying the little rascals. {They have their eyes open, and seem to recognize me now; they are three weeks old today.} Oops, look at clock and see it's past 4:00, time to start the evening meal...and then DH comes in, and there's usually some other project to work on before a couple hours TV viewing, or I go on my bike ride around dusk. Lastly, it's bed-time. And of course, a couple times a week I have to go to the nearby mall for groceries, supplies, which is even more time-consuming.
Exciting, huh? NOT. Still, I seem to stay in perpetual motion. I don't know if I'll ever have time for in-depth writing again -- or reflection and introspection necessary for serious writing. I DO have several writing projects in mind, but I doubt they'll ever get written.
I drove by our house in town yesterday; it looks great, very neat and tidy, the yards mown. The first rental check should be rolling in here next week, and I am sure looking forward to that! We haven't heard anything from the renters, but that is how it should be, unless they have a problem at the house.
My Way - TV
And don't forget Dr. Phil today -- that nutso family he's been..erm, following, helping? is going to have a retrospective about their tempestuous life.
A Family Divided: What Lies Ahead? Nearly a year ago, America was first introduced to Marty, Erin, Alex and Katherine. Now, Dr. Phil takes a look back at some of the rough roads the family has traveled -- from 15-year-old Alex's pregnancy to Marty and Erin's marital woes -- and helps them navigate where they're headed next. Find out if Marty and Erin's marriage will survive and what brings Katherine to tears.
This is also a test post, in that I just installed 'BlogThis!, a feature of the Google toolbar that let's me comment on any webpage to my blog via a pop-up post. THIS should make it easier for me to make more frequent posts!
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