I'm sitting here waiting for a free word processing program to download, and thought I'd make an entry. MS Word has locked up on this computer, and it has always had glitches in it, so I'm not about to start my rough draft in that! I'm downloading two programs: a small one that replaces notepad, and another larger one that is supposed to be similiar to Excel Word. We shall see, I guess.
I am getting verrrrry excited about my new work-in-progress, and find thoughts/characters/ideas popping into my mind at all hours of the day/night. Now that is the FUN of being a creative writer; the preoccupation, the daydreamy moods, and the general "honeymoon" stage of a novel. Although this might not be a long novel, more of a novella; however, since it will be written in omnipresent viewpoint (from four different perspectives interspersed through alternating chapters) I am fairly sure it'll be a full-length novel. I'm still researching/reading, and will have to do a quick review of writing from the omnipresent viewpoint. It's been awhile since I've written from that perspective, but it is necessary in this storyline, for I want readers to know ALL the characters inside and out, and as a means of increasing suspense, tension. For now my tentative title is: "Into the Fire," although I'm also toying with another title, "Sleeping Dogs."
DH went for his medical checkup, had a test done, but won't get the results for a week. The urologist said he looked fine though, and told him to come back in six months. No problems related to the kidney stone/infection he had recently. He then came home, changed clothes and went to get some hay. He has to load it on a flatbed trailer after it's cut and baled. That is a hot, messy job today...but he took plenty of cold water (in a thermos) and should do okay.
I'm going to upload some recent photos in the online photo album, under the folder "Cemeteries" or "160 Year old Cemetery." For now I'll post a couple here; I took these one afternoon on my bike ride.
Many tombstones in old section have birth dates of late 1700s
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