My Novels

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Hmm, long time, no post. I've been in a bleak mood, and just haven't had the inclination to write in this journal of late.

We DID get our carport, and it's already installed. Haven't done much work around here since then though.

July 4th was fun; my sister and brother-in-law and their son visited for the afternoon, and we had a nice cookout. But it was hot as Hades, and then a thunderstorm in the later hours. Still, I always enjoy visting with them.

I have finally started reading fiction again, and even stayed up late last night reading in bed. It always makes me itch to write fiction again when I read good stuff, like last night. Mainly a collection of short supernatural stories I had in my collection, which I'd read before but was worth rereading. I'm thinking of joining a Mystery Guild bookclub, because I don't get to the library as often as I used to. We'll see, I guess.

A few questions I plucked off a website for journal writers:

My favorite place in the world paternal grandparents' old home/farm, which was destroyed by tornadoes in 1974, unfortunately.

I wish I could change the way I…become depressed a lot these days.

My worst nightmare would be…--has already happened, the thing with DH last Christmas involving adoption. An unwanted intrusion into my/our life, but hopefully resolved without any further problems.

The three things I enjoy most about my job are… -- job? What job? Oh, I guess that would be my writing: I enjoy the quiet time for reflection, the creativity of fiction writing.

If I could change places with someone for a day it would be…the late Carl Sagan; he was brilliant, and I'd love to know what it was like to be THAT intelligent!

Here's some recent photos:

Mr. Slick, our quarterhorse, staring out the barn window Posted by Hello

Sunset from backyard on July 4th Posted by Hello

Outta here for now.

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