My Novels

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

What to report?

No progress yet on getting the gas line intsalled at the old house, but hopefully that will happen tomorrow. DH will probably not be able to work there this weekend, since he has an employment detail. I won't go by myself, so I suppose nothing else will get done until his two weeks off -- starting December 22nd through January 5th. Two whole weeks to work on the place. He can install the windows (weather permitting) and I can start painting.

Sunday we went on a car ride, then dropped by the small shopping mall near the old house. I bought some primer at Fred's, which is one of the great discount stores there, and got a real bargain. Now as soon as the dishwasher is installed, I'll be ready to start painting in the kitchen. I will use the primer on the cabinets and the half-wall of blond paneling, since I want to change the color scheme and give it a sunny yellow makeover.

I haven't lost interest in the project, but I will admit to all the hired work delays putting a bit of a damper on my initial enthusiasm. But there's no point in getting in a rush, since it will be at least early next March before we can move. Even after all the painting/interior work is done, we have to build an addition on the back, a large room for the cats. And that is going to be long and tedious, as well as expensive. I've been saving for that already, and perhaps whatever income tax refund we get will also help us pay cash for that. I have a set bottom limit on money market savings, and won't go below that figure -- no matter what, since it is for emergencies. So we just have to pay as we go, using a little of what isn't saved/used from each paycheck.

I have reworked a short story, but need to type it into the computer before posting at my webzine. I wrote it years and years ago, along with a bunch of other stories I'd put away in my file cabinet, intending to rewrite/edit but just never did. Also, I've starting itching to write fiction again, and feel sure I'm about to get back into the flow of it.

Yesterday and today I went on my bike ride, and the temps are very mild, ideal for riding. I had to remove the acorns/straw off the park sidewalk, due to it being slippery where I go downhill. Didn't want to risk a bike accident. Tomorrow my mother is supposed to drop by for a visit on her way to a doctor's appointment, and no telling how long she and my step-dad will stay.

I recently found some news articles/updates about the infamous and notorious bank robbing couple who'd been featured on "America's Most Wanted." Craig Pritchert and Nova Guthrie were captured in South Africa, and are now back in the states. I am planning on writing Pritchert, as soon as I can locate his exact mailing address. He is apparently in Phoenix, Arizona, currently incarcerated in the county jail. She is in Colorado.

In one article I read, it stated that Nova's parents had already been contacted about a book/movie deal. No doubt. I am sure the 'sympathetic slant' can be centered on her; she is about 12 years Craig's junior, and had lived an ordinary life until he came along. Their whole story is fascinating to me, but it will be interesting to see how Pritchert deals with being portrayed perhaps as a cunning bank robber who lured Nova into a life of crime (which, by the way, doesn't seem to have been the case at all, she went willingly). I'm fairly sure once Hollyweird gets hold of it, they will need to make him out to be the villian. Here's a link/excerpt to one of the articles:

A Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde?

PHOENIX - He sat behind the glass partition in the county jail, his years on the run finished.

Craig Pritchert leaned forward in his black-and-white striped uniform and rubbed his eyes. They were weary and damp with tears, the eyes of a man who could see the end.

The end of a good life, a life of ski resorts and seaside towns and peace on the other side of the world, but a life based on a fake identity and cover story.

Worse, this could be the end of a love. Not one, as police assert, built on lies and lawlessness - but rather sincere affection, he explained.

"We had what most people strive for but can't even touch," said Pritchert, drumming his fingers on the partition for emphasis as he spoke of Nova Guthrie. "It was ... the fairy tale. The only question now is the happily ever after."

But in a fairy tale, the hero isn't a suspected bank robber and his heroine the accused getaway driver - and happily ever after doesn’t include the possibility of prison for both.

Hmm, I'd like to hear his opinion AFTER the movie is made. Yep, sure would.

Enough for today.

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