My Novels

Friday, May 02, 2008


I just returned from an exhilarating bike ride. Overcast, mild temps, late afternoon and one of those days when suddenly you hit a transcendental moment. Much like a "runner's high" you feel as if you are soaring, flying even, one with the bike, noticing everything around you: the dark sky, the misty air, flowers blooming nectar, yards neat and tidy, people nowhere in sight...just you, alone, flying. The bicycle is no longer an object, it is part of your body, inseparable from your soul.

I had these moments when I used to run, and each time my creativity soared as well. My imagination took flight, just like my body and soul. I've had these wonderful moments on my bike, and in truth, this is why I still bike -- in spite of weak knees. I feel regret that so many people never find this transcendental moment through some kind of exercise; surely if they did, there'd be more fit individuals.

Anyway, I had a busy day: painted all the ironwork on my front porch, whew! A serious job, but I'd been meaning to do that since I moved here nearly two years ago. In addition to all the spring cleaning, I have finished several long-neglected tasks around this place. The rental house will be empty next week, so I'll be busy there for some time as well.

In the meantime: welcome back IMAGINATION. I have decided there is NOTHING like solitude to bring back imagination and creativity. Since my sister has been in Europe, and we've not talked daily on the phone (like we usually do), I have become acquainted with my muse again. Trust me, this is GREAT. I have a new novel outlined, and the characters are already taking over my inner world! While I work on the rental house, I'll let that imaginary world work within my subconscious...and then, perhaps I'll write another novel.


Yes, I CAN write for a newspaper. No, I do NOT feel it is my calling -- merely a job.

We should all find our calling and I found mine long ago...when DH was gone all the time, and I was alone. Fiction is my savior, and always will be.

Solitude is NOT a bad thing -- for artists.

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