My Novels

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Got the job!!!

If that doesn't call for three exclamation points, nothing ever will!

I am now officially the new Lifestyle Editor at our local newspaper! This is one of those times you want to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. I waltzed into the publisher's office and put on my best presentation, and he, obviously, was sold. And as icing on the cake, I am getting a FAN-TAS-TIC salary! More than I've ever earned in my life, and very close to what DH was earning when he died. Not quite as much, but close enough that I'll be back in the same wage bracket. Additionally, health insurance coverage within three months!

I start Friday morning, and will probably just get the "lay of the land" that day and Saturday. There is a Saturday edition, and I guess I'll get one weekday in addition to Sunday off. I don't really care, to be honest, because I'm about to go stir-crazy here. And if there's one thing for sure: I'll be forced to write articles. I'll have plenty to keep me busy there, and no reason to hurry back home -- long hours are on the agenda.

Apparently the managing editor (who is still in Texas) was impressed with my online writing and/or website, and this helped me get the job. Whooboy, now I must live up to their expectations -- but I will try my best NOT to disappoint them. I'm sure there will be a few sharp learning curves in my future, but such deep concentration will allow me to end the frustration and recurring memories that have had me mired down here the past few months.

I dug out my small tape-recorder today, checked it out, just in case I have to go out on an interview soon. It's always good to have one handy, so you can use it and refer back to get quotes. Notebook and pen are good too, but a recorder is an asset.

I will miss my pets, particularly the dogs during the day, but they will be allowed access to the doggie door, and can stay either inside or outside. The cats, of course, have their own quarters. I can be with them in the afternoons/evenings and off-days.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment; my acid reflux has been acting up, along with my allergies. NO MORE LAWN-MOWING for me, yippee!

Of course, this calls for a shopping trip -- and maybe not to a thrift store this time!

This has been a day to remember, a real gemstone found amongst the rough-edged pebbles of my life for the past year-and-half.

Wish me luck on accomplishing the tasks, fulfilling my wishes to be a successful editor.

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