My Novels

Friday, November 25, 2005

Had a great T-day!

Believe it or not, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with ALL my family. My youngest sister, her husband and my nephew all showed up! She seems a truly changed person, and though she's gained weight (mostly due to meds to prevent schzioaffective problems) she was more like the sister I once knew...before drug abuse and mental issues took over. We were all so glad about that, and hopefully, she'll stay well. One can never tell, but like the quote says: "Hope springs eternal."

I seem to be in an exceptionally GOOD, HAPPY mood now. Maybe this will last through the holidays, if I'm lucky.

Yesterday I finally decided on a new digital camera and ordered it from TigerDirect online. It should be here next week sometimes, which will be well in advance of my birthday on Saturday. I selected the Nikon Coolpix 5200. Got a bargain in a refurb, way less than the $500.00 price for a new one. Partly I was impressed by a photographer who uses a Nikon D70 at her blog Blue Ridge Blog. She posts stunning landscape pictures of that beautiful region, and though the Nikon I'm getting is not exactly like hers, I'm sure it will be a vast improvement over the tiny cheap digital Concord I've used for several years.

And speaking of that camera, here's a recent picture I wanted to post, taken in the past few days.

Princess wearing a sweater I made her after she was shaved! Posted by Picasa

More when I have time. I'm excited about the camera, and can't wait to start "practicing" and learning all the new features. I hope to then post a new picture almost daily!

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