My Novels

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Life goes on, no matter the catastrophe. Or at least it does lately, even with all my moodiness.

At any rate, there MAY be a solution on the horizon to the ongoing personal problem. Or if not, then a total fix -- for better or worse. As usual, DH is unwillling to involve himself in the tangle of emotional issues and I had to do the dirty work. You know, I hate being a bitch sometimes, but if that is the ONLY way to solve a thorny problem...well, so be it. The "problem" did something this past weekend that was either incredibly stupid or deliberately mean. That put DH in a similar mood to my own and he more or less told me to do whatever was necessary. We shall know the outcome soon.

The old house is really shaping up nicely. There is only a small amount of trimwork to be painted, and getting the carpet professionally cleaned and it can be lived in. DH has to replace three more windows, but those are in a room we won't use if we move there. Also he has completed most of the sunporch, and should be done with that this weekend. Today I went to Big Lots and bought some vinyl flooring on sale; it can be used on the sunporch where the cats will least temporarily. We also got two loads of gravel put on the driveway week before last, and it is now settled and makes for a better parking area.

We are debating on when to make the move, but it will probably be late February or early March. Then we'll have to do some work on our house here in town, getting it either ready to sell or rent.

Some good news: My mother is back home. She is improving, and getting better daily. She and my stepdad have a home health nurse helping out part-time, and one of my sisters also goes there on a regular basis. I do worry she won't ever be very well again, but she definitely has proven me wrong on that in the past!

I went on my bike ride earlier, even though it's in the low 40s today. Last night it was down to 18, unusual for us here in the South. I'm at 96 lbs, though I am certainly NOT dieting anymore. I guess stress and turmoil burns up calories too! LOL

When all this upheaval is over, regarding the "problem," I DO have a great deal of information from research to use either in an article or fiction. And I will also write some of what I've learned here. A hint: It's about adoption.

Till next time...

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