My mother remains about the same, though she is walking better. She will have an evaluation next Tuesday, and the staff/doctors will determine if she should be released or stay an additional 80 days. At this point, we're not sure what will happen. She wants to stay there, but cannot keep a private room if she remains. That means she'll be in a semi-private room, but the staff does try to match personalities for room-mates. My grandmother had a wonderful, sweet lady as a room-mate, and that turned out to be an advantage for both of them: their families became acquainted, and there was a feeling of being connected to the outside world too. Just have to wait and see what happens. Mother can also choose to return to my sister's house, but has already said she really did not want to stay there again.
No bike ride today; I nearly always take Sundays off, and when the temp is around 30 degrees...well, it would be quite a brisk ride indeed. I do still go every day, except Sunday, when weather permits. The coming week is supposed to be temps in the 40s and I can manage that. I have a set of ear-muffs and wind-proof jacket/pants I wear when necessary.
I have some photos I took of the dogs to post. I'm still using the small cheap camera, just can't decide on what kind to buy. At any rate, here's the pictures:
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