My Novels

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bad news...again

Mother is in the local hospital CCU. Apparently she fell in the shower at my sister's house, and seemed fine at first...but became more and more sore. Luckily my nephew was home from college, and he helped get mother on her feet after the fall. My sister could NOT have done that, and neither could I.

At any rate, they took her to the ER, and after some tests were done, said that mother's kidneys had shut down. That would account for her growing confusion, weakness, etc. We just don't know what the outcome of this episode will be; I'm heading to the hospital shortly. We can only visit every two hours though.

I didn't sleep well last night, my side was hurting. I thought I'd strained it putting down the stakes on the chainlink fencing, but this morning it was hurting so bad it reminded me of having a kidney stone. I took some Advil, and that took the edge off the pain...and now it seems to have settled in the middle of my back. However, I'm also uncomfortable in the lower urinary tract area and wonder if I have kidney infection. I guess I'll try to make an appointment with my GP and get this checked out.

Looks like 2007 is getting off the same disasterous start as last year.


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