My Novels

Thursday, January 03, 2002

Yesterday I bought a great new wind-proof biking outfit, and wore it this morning. It was only 30 degrees, and I couldn't feel a bit of the wind that was blowing, or the rush of air when I rode. I believe I could ride through a blizzard in that outfit! So I'm all set now, and can ride unless it rains or snows or sleets. We rarely get temps below 20 here in the day; therefore, I don't think I'll miss daily biking too often. However, I did notice something wrong with the gears on my bike, and will get DH to look at it. He can fix just about anything, as he's mechanically inclined!

Have quite a few news articles to comment on, and will start with this one:

Three Saudi Men Beheaded for Sodomy

By Associated Press

January 1, 2002, 9:50 AM EST

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Three Saudi men were beheaded Tuesday for committing acts of sodomy and "seducing young men," the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

The three men "committed acts of sodomy, married each other, seduced young men and attacked those who rebuked them," the statement said.

The executions were the first this year in Saudi Arabia, where beheadings are public and done with a sword. Last year, at least 81 people were beheaded.

Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam and also imposes the death penalty for murder, rape, drug trafficking and armed robbery.

Ah, but these atrocities are in Saudi Arabia, and we all know the USA is NOT going to mess with them, since most of our oil comes from there. What a bunch of hypocrites we Americans are at times. This article proves that the Saudi's are on the same par with the ousted Taliban, right?


Florida youngsters admitted killing dad, investigator testifies

Associated Press
Dec. 28, 2001 06:05:00

PENSACOLA, Fla. - A 13-year-old boy admitted killing his father with about 10 cracks to the head with a baseball bat, and his 12-year-old brother said the murder was his idea, an investigator testified Friday.

More of those wonderful warm fuzzy family feelings, huh? I wonder if the dad was abusing the kids -- or they just got it into their heads they'd be happier without him around. Who knows? Human behavior is no less horrible within a family, and in fact, is sometimes worse than amongst strangers. Wonder how many family members are killed by other family members per year? I bet it would be shocking to know!


Truck, explosive material stolen in LA
By Hil Anderson
Published 1/2/2002 8:58 PM

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2 (UPI) -- Police throughout the Los Angeles area were on alert Wednesday for a stolen flatbed truck and 500 pounds of potentially explosive nitric acid that remained unaccounted for less than 24 hours before the national college football championship game at the Rose Bowl.

Los Angeles police told reporters late Wednesday that the thieves who took the vehicle on Monday from a business in Gardena likely were not connected to terrorists and probably were unaware of potential dangers posed by the acid, which was stored in five 100-pound silver metal canisters.

Makes you wonder how terrorism could EVER be prevented in this country when it seems quite easy to steal the necessary ingredients for a massive bomb!


Senate Panel to Investigate Enron

WASHINGTON (AP) - Enron's business practices had the mark of ``a massive shell game with multiple layers of conflict of interest,'' says a senator who plans to subpoena documents as part of a broad investigation into the energy company's collapse.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., the full committee's chairman, promised Wednesday ``a search for the truth, not a witch hunt.'' But he did not rule out an examination of Enron's relationships with the Bush administration.

``We're going to go wherever the search takes us,'' Lieberman said at a news conference, noting Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay's involvement in crafting the administration's energy agenda last spring. ``We've got to ask whether the advice rendered (by Lay) was at all self serving.''

Lay, a longtime friend of the president, was a prominent contributor and fund raiser for Bush's presidential campaign. Other Enron executives also gave significantly to Bush's campaign, according to the watchdog Center for Public Integrity.

All I can say to this is it's about time! Methinks I smell something rotten in Denmark (or in the Bush political company).

That's it for today!

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