I hate to complain (not really) but hey, Mother Nature is being a real b!tch this year. I guess that old adage, "Don't mess with Mother Nature," has a grain of truth in it. She can't be happy with the pollution we humans have been dishing out on the earth far too long now.
At any rate, here in the South, like elsewhere in the country and world, weather has been topsy-turvy. As a Southerner, I am just not adapted to the extreme cold and snow/ice. I'm unable to trust myself anywhere near ice; I'm sometimes clumsy in the best of conditions, but as sure as I get near ice, I fear a fall. Therefore, when there's ice/snow, I stay indoors. Then just the thought of NOT being able to get out gives me cabin fever. I would have made a poor choice as a pioneer woman on the snowy, windswept prairies of the Midwest! I like to be able to choose to either stay indoors or get outside, and feel truly confined if I can't get outdoors at least some every day...even if just the long neighborhood walk with my dogs.
So as you can imagine, I was NOT happy to see a surprise snowfall yesterday afternoon. Within a couple hours, we had two inches, then a coating of ice from sleet. Fortunately today it warmed up to a balmy 35 and rained; the snow is nearly gone now. However, this morning the streets were icy so I missed a doctor's appointment I'd had for two weeks. At least I got it rescheduled, and have another appointment next week with a different doctor. My new insurance provides for 100% preventive, so I'm going to take advantage of that and get thoroughly checked out. Of course, I dread it all...but I'm not paying $583.00 a month for insurance I don't use!
I wanted to provide a link to an interview I did for a childfree site at BellaOnline. It concerns being a widowed, older childfree woman:
Losing a Life Partner
I've had some good, positive feedback from younger childfree people, and that is why I did the interview.
And now, here's a few photos of yesterday's snowfall (click to enlarge):
My backyard as the snow was falling in the afternoon
The garage...with Goldie's (one of the strays) head/ears seen through the window where she's lying under the heat lamp!
Oddly enough, though the strays had pretty much disappeared during the warmer weather, only to appear at late afternoon meal-time, they all showed up yesterday around noon. Since the weather forecast didn't include snow, it's strange they all seemed to instinctively "know" bad weather was coming, and got in the garage!
It was quite a mess around here since school was just getting out, people heading home from work during the freak snow/ice. Lots of traffic accidents, and a couple of county school buses had to pull off the highway, call in 4-wheel drive vehicles to take the kids home. The bus driver didn't want to risk crossing bridges that were iced over!
And so it goes. I believe Mother Nature is letting us know who's in charge!
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