Three Minutes
Look into their deep, dark eyes
For only three desperate minutes
And you'll see looking back at you
Confusion, sadness, lostness
Of a past human that let them go.
Look into their sweet, simple eyes
For only three long minutes
And you will see haunting you
The eyes of suffering, fear
And hope that you will rescue
Them from a tragic fate.
If you take them home with you
Someday soon you'll see
Looking back at you
The unconditional love
And total acceptance
You'll never get from another
Human being.
Only domestic pets
Whether dogs or cats
Can ever give us humans
The surrender, the trust
Of full acceptance and forever
Eternal unconditional LOVE.
VERY rough day today. Had two crowns pulled off, cavities drilled out, the feeling is just coming back and it throbs awfully.
I DID write the above poem last night in honor of the many pets that have literally "saved my life" over the past 30+ years.
Here's a pix of Oscar in his sweatshirt:
I think for Christmas this year I'll buy a really good digital camera; and get it at Wal-Mart, which at least guarantees returns if the camera is defective. Loved the Nikon I had, but got it online as refurbish and only had a 90 day return.
The older cheap digital is truly having problems, so maybe after the dust settles here from the latest tragedies/fencing improvements/dental work/vision exam, I can afford what I WANT, instead of NEED. A good digital camera.
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