My Novels

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Finally we got DH's first cardiologist checkup over yesterday afternoon, and we are SO happy. She said that he is doing well, and in fact, told him he could get back to his normal activities. That was such a HUGE relief, both of us just felt like a big burden was lifted off our shoulders.

Mostly she explained a lot of details about his heart attack: it was in a small vein, but there was a big artery that was starting to block. Giving him the clot-buster shots alleviated some of that big artery blockage, but if he'd not gotten to the ER when he did, the clot in the large artery would have blocked it and he might have died. Goodness, we were lucky to get there in time, and have such excellent care in the ER!! She also said that DH's surgeon in Birmingham put stents in the large artery and small vein, so there should be no trouble in those areas. Especially with medication, which she will adjust as time goes on after bloodwork. If his diet helps lower cholesterol, he may be able to get off lipitor in a year. For now, she wants him to stay on several medications to help his heart work better/less hard. He will go back in three months for more tests, and she'll keep checking for improvements or any problems with stress tests, EKGs and blood tests. She did say that DH's heart shows no enlargement, so that is very good.

We went out to eat and celebrate at a local restaurant, and I helped DH choose some healthy food. We're trying to determine what fast food and/or restaurants have fat-free choices so he can eat right at lunch when he returns to work next week.

More good news: we got the insurance statements from DH's hospital bills...and we only had to pay the $100.00 deductible! That trip to the ER and overnight stay cost $28,000.00!!!! Thank goodness for Blue Cross! Knowing that takes a huge burden off our shoulders too, since we were not sure insurance would cover all the bills.

The roofers have been here the past three days, and they have almost finished all the sofit trim and will start putting up custom-made gutters tomorrow. The green metal for the roof won't come in until next Tuesday, but I am very pleased with their work so far. I'll be sure to take a photo when it's all done. This is the 'crowning touch' and we can't wait to have it ALL finished!!!

Yesterday we went shopping for a new living room suit; when visitors came, we just didn't have enough seating in this living room. DH said if I'd pick out one, he'd pay for it out of his sell/trade that's what I did. We bought a new sofa, loveseat and recliner. Today it was delivered, but we also got my nephew to help with arranging it and moving out the old sofa/chairs. I love it, and now if we have company, at least there'll be enough seats! We put the old set in the sunroom, which looks nice too.

Life is good right now--but again, I'm always a bit apprehensive about being too happy, since I fear something bad is just around the corner. I certainly hope not. Next week after DH returns to work, maybe I can get back to a normal routine and get some writing done.

For now, I'm enjoying my time with DH -- and trying to live with the noise of a crew of roofers crawling all over the housetop! :-)

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