My Novels

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Brief Update & Photos

It's been a stressful week. DH has been home sick with bronchitis, so I've not had much time online or at the computer. He's improving, and will return to work tomorrow until around 2:00, when we have an appointment to get our income tax prepared. Will be glad to get that over with!

We may be in for snow flurries this weekend, but then again, the predictions for snow earlier this week didn't pan out. I'd LOVE to photograph a light snowfall around here; it would create many beautiful pictures. A little dab will do though, NOT a lot of snow -- and NO ice, please!

We've allowed Ginger and Festus to have the front part of the 5-acre pasture and they are blissfully happy now. Between all that space to romp and run (and graze, which they do all day, looking for any small sprig of grass) and being given treats several times a day, they are truly in Miniature Horse Heaven. The other two quarter-horses are in the back half of the pasture, and they all seem to have settled in once acquainted, though still separated by fences.

Enjoying the pasture!

Ms. Pretty looking...pretty!

Snapped this weird sight on our Sunday drive.

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