My Novels

Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

In honor of New Year's Day, I will list my resolutions today. Some of these I might accomplish, others probably not. But it's always hopeful just to write the list. And without hope, how bleak the future would be!

1. I'd like to lose ten pounds, but if I only lose five, I'll be satisfied. That would put me under 100 lbs again, which I did like. I consider my ideal weight to be 95; I feel light, fit and look slim at that weight. I now weigh 107 lbs, and mostly because I indulge in occasional sweets. It is amazing how easy it is to feel full and stay slim IF you simply cut out ALL sugary, sweet treats.

2. Finish the short story I'm working on (Fogbound). And then write MORE fiction. I am thinking of typing up a short story I wrote years ago for the confession magazines. I never sent it in, and with some updating, it could be submitted. I also may try writing a few confession stories, try to sell them. However, the response time is one year. I'm reading a few of the confession magazines, studying the style. (I found a stack of these magazines at a thrift shop nearby, gave 25 cents each for them.)

3. Get a roof, sofit vinyl trim and gutters put on this house in spring. DH will also finish the garage renovation, turn it into a saddle/tack shop.

4. Create attractive, decorative touches in the yard -- an arbor at the end of the rock sidewalk entry. Make a small flowerbed near my swing in the backyard. (I've already planted bulbs around the backporch, which should come up in spring.)

4. Try not to stay so busy with this house that I don't have time for writing. Get some rest and not kill myself by trying to get the remaining tasks done on any timeline.

5. Relax if I can't accomplish all of this, because...nothing matters that much. If everyone and every thing on earth can be wiped out in a flash (and it CAN indeed happen: i.e. comet/asteroid strike)...absolutely nothing is important enough to get upset about, when it comes to human accomplishments. Live life one day at a time, and do what makes me happy.


Later today DH and I will go for a drive, visit one of the guys he met yesterday. They may trade horse trailers. It is near 70 degrees today, sunny and almost TOO warm. My cats are lying in the sunshine pouring through the large sunporch window -- and for now, all is well with my world.

With each day that dawns, life is apt to toss us a curve ball and destroy all that has been achieved by humans. In the words of one scientist: "I've realized that life has no meaning, but that we humans are here, if for nothing else, simply to observe and discover."

My philosophy exactly! And that's how I live -- researching, learning via the web/books/life experience; writing about what I've learned; trying to keep a roof over my head. And hope the Big Bad Wolf doesn't strike here or anywhere nearby.

Welcome New Year, 2005!

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